by Erich Hoyt
Marine researchers are discovering new ocean creatures every day, especially at its deepest depths. From the author of Creatures of the Deep, Encyclopedia of Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises and other books about the ocean and the animals that live there, comes a new title about some of the most unusual marine life forms.
The book organizes the creatures into three parts based on where they live in the ocean. Informative captions accompany the 90 gorgeous photographs of otherworldly creatures.
The photographs were taken in the ocean by expert divers and submariners, most of whom are both scientists and underwater photographers. The images display the creatures vividly against a background as black as the ocean depths.
"Sea creatures from the depths of our oceans fill the pages of a stunning new book by Erich Hoyt... The book is filled with images of the otherworldly sea life that fills the oceans alongside amazing facts and information from the wildlife expert". -- Rowan Jones ― For Reading Addicts Blog Published On: 2021-03-20