Marble Whale Tail Magnet.
Marble is distinguished by particularly beautiful veins that make each piece unique, therefore each magnet will have a noticeable variation.
SS Handcrafted Art, LLC, began its business in 2001 as an importer of specialty arts and crafts from Ecuador with a social agenda as its leading objective: to improve the lives and well-being of the area artisans and their families, as well as the local community. Originally founded by Joseph Conde, a native of South Florida and of Colombian descent, as the Turtle man Foundation, it primarily grew out of a social mission to the area with the goal of improving the local industry by advocating the concept of a “sharing wage” for area craftsmen and promoting international business as a collective for the benefit of all. Known as the “give back” program, the idea is to provide the artisans with sufficient funding for not only essentials, but also for necessary re-investment, which in turn encourages further local development.